

Under Rule 3407-3409 or 4407-4409 of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC), you have certain rights related to discontinuance and restoration of your energy service. 这些权利在下文和断开连接通知中列出. 也, a list of agencies that may be able to assist qualified low-income customers with payment of winter utility bills is printed on the left side of this notice.


If you have questions regarding your rights, contact the PUC External Affairs Section at 303-894-2070. 在303呼叫区外,请拨打 1-800-456-0858. 地址是:
丹佛,CO 80202.

  1. You may avoid discontinuation of service by paying at least one-tenth of the amount shown on the disconnect notice before the expiration date and entering into a payment arrangement with us to pay off your past-due balances. 避免中断或恢复中断的服务, 我们可能要求以现金或认证资金支付.
  2. If you are a residential customer and discontinuance of service would aggravate or create a medical condition or emergency, you can delay service disconnection for 90 days by providing us with a medical certificate. The certificate must be from a Colorado-licensed physician or health practitioner licensed to prescribe and treat patients. It must clearly show the name of the customer or individual whose illness is at issue and the Colorado medical identification number, 电话号码, and the signature of the physician or health care practitioner acting under a physician's authority who certifies the medical emergency. The certification is effective on the date it is received by the utility and is valid to prevent discontinuance of service for 90 days. You may receive one 90-day extension by providing a medical certificate before the expiration of the original 60-day period. 医疗证明在任何12个月期间只能援引一次.
  3. 你有权参加听证会, 在人, 在我们的一位澳门金沙登录经理或经理指定人员面前, 根据我们为此类听证会所采用的程序.
  4. You can contact us to resolve any dispute by calling the phone number shown on the disconnect notice. 我们的澳门金沙登录中心可以通过以下方式联系 1-888-890-5554 正常工作时间:周一至周五,上午8:00至下午4:30.
  5. 你有权以书面形式向PUC提出非正式投诉, 电话, 电子邮件或亲自前往. 你也可以书面要求在委员会举行听证会. The PUC may order us not to terminate your service pending an investigation and/or hearing. 当你要求在PUC举行听证会时, 您可能需要向我们支付定金或增加现有的定金金额. 数额将由PUC决定.
  6. 当对客户的服务停止时, 必须在24小时内恢复(不包括周末和节假日)。, or within twelve (12) hours if the customer pays any necessary after-hour charges, 如果客户满足下列任何一项条件. 除非出于安全考虑或情有可原的情况而不能这样做, 客户必须在恢复服务后:
    1. A. Pays in full the amount for regulated charges shown on the disconnection notice plus any required deposit and collection and reconnection charges.

    2. 支付公司关税要求的任何收款或重接费用, enters into an installment payment plan and makes the first installment payment, unless the cause for disconnection was a customer's breach of such an arrangements. 分期付款计划可以为12个相等的月分期付款.

    3. 出示第3407 (e) (IV)条所载的紧急医疗证明书.

    4. 向公司证明终止的原因, 如非拒付, 已经治愈了. Regular connection of electricity service performed during time periods, as shown:

      正常时间: 星期一至星期五,上午8:00至下午4:30山区时间$0

      小时后: 其他时间,包括周末全天和节假日75美元.

  7. 在不同时段内重新接驳电力服务的情况如下:

    1. Residential and Small Commercial Customers requested within 24 hours excluding weekends and holidays: $15.00

    2. Residential and Small Commercial Customers requested within 12 hours, or weekends and holidays: $15.00 

    3. All Other Non-Residential Customers requested within 24 hours excluding weekends and holidays: $50.00

    4. All Other Non-Residential Customers requested within 12 hours, or weekends and holidays: $75.00

      注意: All Customers Calls received by the Company after 9:00 pm Mountain Time will be scheduled for daytime hours, unless Company determines and emergency exists which determination will include, 但不限于, 住户的健康和年龄, 以及潜在的财产损失,比如管道结冰.

  8. The Company will postpone disconnection of residential customers when the morning forecast by the National Weather Service forecasts that the temperature will be 35华氏度或更低,在接下来的24小时.

  9. The Company will postpone disconnection of residential customers when the morning forecast by the National Weather Service forecasts that the temperature will be 95 在接下来的24小时内保持在华氏度或更高的温度.

  10. 本公司在下列时间内不会中断服务:

    1. 如果是在上午8点以外.M. 和下午4点.周一至周四;

    2. 如果是在上午8点以外.M. 及星期五中午十二时正;

    3. if it is between 12:00 Noon the day before a state or federal holiday and 8:00 A.M. the day following a state or federal holiday; or

    4. if it is between 12:00 Noon the day before Black Hills’ local office is 关闭d and 8:00 A.M. 第二天布莱克山当地办事处就关门了.


  1. 低收入者澳门金沙登录援助计划(leap)
    The Colorado Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) is a federally funded program that is run by the Colorado Department 人类服务部 (CDHS) and helps eligible Coloradans pay a portion of their winter home heating costs.  The LEAP program works to keep communities warm during the winter (November through April) by providing assistance with heating costs, 设备维修和/或更换不能操作的加热工具. 虽然该计划并不打算支付家庭供暖的全部费用, its aims to help alleviate some of the burdens that come with Colorado's colder months.  如欲澳门金沙登录有关LEAP的资料,请浏览本处网页:http://cdhs.colorado.gov/leap
  2. 黑山澳门金沙登录可负担计划(堆)
    The purpose of this program is to provide bill-payment assistance to residential customers in accordance with Commission Rule 3412, 4科罗拉多州法典条例723-3. BHEAP是一个收入支付百分比计划(PIPP)。. For more information regarding BHEAP, including eligibility requirements and how to apply, 请浏览我们的网页.
  3. 需求侧管理
    Black Hills' DSM plan has a wide variety of programs that can help to reduce customer usage. 查看DSM项目列表, 包括参与的要求, 参与的好处, 有关这些项目的联系信息请访问我们的 澳门金沙登录效益网页在此. 




机构 联系信息


阿斯彭矿山中心(爱心社区基金会) 贝内特大街166号
克罗利县分局. 人类服务部 正街631号.
天主教慈善机构-普韦布洛教区 429 W. 10 St.
普韦布洛县社会服务部 西街212号
三县家庭护理中心 北主街512 1/2号.
卡斯特县委员会委员 南第六街205号.
拱门2-1-1高级链接 SRDA建筑
230 N Union
饼和鱼事工-弗里蒙特县 司法中心道241号.
小波 东四街827号.
普韦布洛县联合之路 阿布连多大街310号



如果您是服务地址的占用者, 没有客户记录, 并申请法庭保护,以防有案底的客户, please contact Black Hills Energy to either transfer service to yourself or create a new account. 在这种情况下, you may be responsible for any balances on the account but not for fees incurred due to non-payment. 停止服务也可以延迟, and service may be temporarily restored and will be determined on a case-by-case basis.